My most memorable childhood playthings weren’t factory-made. When I think back, I had the most fun swordfighting with poplar saplings, sliding down snowy slopes on cardboard boxes and playing battleships with homemade graph paper. I‘ll never forget our day-long sod... Read more
( I don’t normally do this, but here’s an article directly from the pages of the PE Update.com website). “As public health officials wring their hands about the obesity epidemic, there’s a solution that is relatively low-cost, ready to implement... Read more
The NCAA basketball championship concludes tonight, and with it, one of the most enjoyable spectacles in sport. To me, this three-weekend playoff is much more exciting than it’s professional counterpart. Here are my top-three reasons why the NCAA tournament is... Read more
Technology is bound to affect sports in ways we could never imagine. An example happened last week in the NBA. It was the convergence of wireless computer technology, the internet and the social networking service called Twitter. Twitter is a... Read more
This is the tale of an invention rendered ineffective because of corporate greed. Strictly speaking, it’s not a physical education issue, but it does affect any teacher who packs a lunch for school or team trips. What invention am I... Read more
You may have been involved in a such a debate – whether your local government should invest in local sports facilities – perhaps to be housed on your school property. While it didn’t involve school property, my hometown has just... Read more